Pico del Teide & Masca Gorge Trail permits
Get notified when there are available seats
So you have planned your trip to Tenerife, but there are no free places to climb to the top of Pico Del Teide
or Masca Gorge Trail?
This app instantly notifies you by email when a seat becomes available for
reservation and booking, so you
don't have to spend your holidays refreshing the reservation page every minute.
Just fill out the form, and the notification will come to your email. In the form, you specify the date range
you are interested in.
by RepoGamesStudio
- After receiving an email, you have to go to the site yourself and book the date.
- Guaranteed booking: If no seat becomes vacant by the date you've chosen you can apply for a refund
by emailing [email protected]
- Emails notifications are active for a maximum of 7 email opportunities.
- Observing the application, I can say that several times a day a free date appears. Time to book it is
about 2 to 60 minutes.
There are 200 spots per day available for Pico Del Teide so the chances somebody cancels his booking
are high.
- There are many tickets for one appointment.
- By filling out the above form you are accepting Terms and
- The application checks only the closest 3 months.
- The app was originally created just for myself - after creation, I've booked the seat just the very same
day. I decided to share it with others; maybe you'll find it handy.
- Important : Masca free entries currently held
I used the app and it worked for me, thank you for adding to the list again.
Superb app!!!
I made the reservation! A great thing to do. I don't know if otherwise I
would have the strength to refresh the page every minute. And so it was only for probably
20 notification that I managed to make a reservation, that's how fast the tickets go.
Thanks for this tool!
Successfully booked the entrances thanks to this app! Thank you very
much! A great thing to do.
Tenerife Facebook groups / emails
Frequently Asked Questions:
- - I need multiple permits - am I in the right place?
Yes - the notification email will be sent on any
available spots, usually 2 or more.
- - My cable railway time is different from the permit time - can I still go?
Yes, just call VolcanoTeide.com and they will adjust the times to match the
- - The notifications only show single spots, but I need several. Can I book a few and combine them into
one time slot?
Yes, you can book several single spots and combine them into one permit
(different IDs required), but you need to arrange this with VolcanoTeide.com
- they usually agree.
- - Do I need to rush after receiving the notification?
Yes, but you are the first person to
know about an available spot. You will receive a precise link for booking in the email. If you click on
the specific time you're good - take your time filling in your details. Usually, you have 2-60 minutes to react.
- - Do I need to prepare an ID for the booking?
Yes - personal details will be required.
- - Why can't the app book the entry automatically?
We don't want to store your sensitive personal
- - The booking page isn't loading, what should I do?
Often, during peak hours, the site loads
very slowly, patience is key.
- - I haven't received any notifications, will I get a refund?
Yes - send me an email.
- - I'm not receiving any notifications, what should I do?
Free spots appear when someone cancels
their booking. The closer to the scheduled time, the higher the chance that someone will cancel. It's
most common in the morning hours. Also, make sure the email didn't go to spam, check if you entered the
email address correctly, and if email notifications are turned on in your phone.
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